
Monochromator-spectrograph MSO750


Monochromators-spectrographs MSO750 series are general-purpose spectral instruments that can be used as monochromators or spectrographs with a large flat focal field.

They are completely automated spectral devices with a focal length of 750 mm and an F-number of 8.9.

Model MSO7501i and model MSO7504i  have astigmatism-corrected optics what makes these devices applicable in multi-channel spectroscopy.

Automated four-grating turret (model MSO7504 and model MSO7504i ) provides fast switching of gratings with high repeatability of the set wavelength.

In model MSO7501 and model MSO7501i a single-position holder is used for easy manual switching of gratings.


Optical system

 Optical scheme

Czerny-Turner (astigmatism–compensated in model MSO7501i and model MSO7504i)


1 input, 2 outputs

 Wavelength range

185 nm – 60 μm (depends on the type of grating)

 F-number (entrance)


 Focal length (output)

750 mm

 Scanning range (limited
 by grating rotation angle) 

0 – 1270 nm (grating 1200 l/mm)

 Main mirrors

 Stray light  

5.5 х 10-7

 Focal plane

28 х 10 mm

Imaging (Characteristics of models with astigmatism compensation: MSO7501i, MSO7504i)

 Horizontal magnification 


 Vertical magnification 


 Vertical spatial resolution

< 15 μm


 Motor type

micro stepper




0.22 arc seconds


± 1 step

 Max. speed 

10 000 steps/s


 Number of ports 

1 input, 2 outputs

 Output port repeatability (automated mirror)

± 0.01 nm

 Switching time (output port)

10 s

Optics (for grating 1200 l/mm, slit width 15 µm, wavelength 546 nm)

 Type of grating

1200 l/mm, λ = 546 nm

Echelle, 75 l/mm, λ = 200 nm, 120 order

 Reciprocal linear dispersion 

1.02 nm/mm

0.055 nm/mm

 Spectral resolution
  • PMT (slit width 10 µm)

0.015 nm

0.0008 nm

  • digital cameras (12 µm pixel)

0.02 nm

0.0011 nm


± 0.007 nm

± 0.0009 nm
 Wavelength accuracy

± 0.034 nm

± 0.0045 nm

 Average scanning step

0.0017 nm

 Scanning step at 200 nm

2.25 x 10-4 nm



80 х 70 х 10 mm


About the center of a grating working surface


1. Automated 4-grating turret (models MSO7504, MSO7504i)

2. Positioner for 1 manually changeable grating (models MSO7501 и MSO7501i)

 Grating repeatability for the automated 4-grating turret (models MSO7504, MSO7504i)  
  • wavelength

± 0,03 nm

  • vertical image

± 50 μm

 Grating repeatability for 1 manually changeable grating (models MSO7501 and MSO7501i)  
  • wavelength

± 0.05 nm

  • vertical image

± 75 µm



on-board CPU



 External interface



 Overall sizes (LхWхH)

950 х 361 х 343 mm


45 kg (may vary, depends on configuration)

All characteristics were measured for grating 1200 l/mm, slit width 15 µm, wavelength 546 nm.
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